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  动力电池应用分会数据显示,今年1-4月,我国动力电池累计装车量120.8GWh, 累计同比增长26.5%。其中三元电池累计装车量46.4GWh,占总装车量的38.4%,累计同比增长35.6%;磷酸铁锂电池累计装车量74.3GWh,占总装车量的61.5%,累计同比增长21.4%。今年5月,磷酸铁锂电池装机量市场份额更是超过70%,而三元电池占比则缩减到不足三成。




















Feng Shui takes turns. Either the east wind overwhelms the west wind, or the west wind overwhelms the east wind.

The installed capacity of lithium iron phosphate batteries, which were once overwhelmed by ternary batteries, has now significantly exceeded that of ternary batteries in the Chinese power battery market. Lithium iron phosphate has been attacking cities and occupying territories, and the situation of three strong defenses has been ongoing for three years.

When ternary batteries "counterattack" lithium iron phosphate batteries

According to data from the Power Battery Application Branch, from January to April this year, the cumulative installed capacity of power batteries in China was 120.8 GWh, a year-on-year increase of 26.5%. The cumulative installed capacity of ternary batteries is 46.4 GWh, accounting for 38.4% of the total installed capacity, with a cumulative year-on-year increase of 35.6%; The cumulative installed capacity of lithium iron phosphate batteries is 74.3 GWh, accounting for 61.5% of the total installed capacity, with a cumulative year-on-year increase of 21.4%. In May this year, the market share of installed capacity of lithium iron phosphate batteries exceeded 70%, while the proportion of ternary batteries decreased to less than 30%.

The industry is well aware that ternary batteries, supported by policies, were once an exceptionally strong technological route. Ningde Times has also surpassed BYD and become the global leader in power batteries by relying on ternary batteries. At its peak, ternary batteries had a market share of over 80% in China's power battery market, while lithium iron phosphate batteries were squeezed into the corner. Since being surpassed by ternary batteries in 2018, the market share of lithium iron phosphate batteries has been declining; During the low period, its market share was as low as a pitiful 12.8%.

However, since 2020, there has been a resurgence of lithium iron phosphate batteries; With the sustained strong downstream demand, the production of lithium iron phosphate batteries has also continued to rise, and in May 2021, it achieved a "comeback" on ternary batteries. Subsequently, the installed capacity of lithium iron phosphate batteries exceeded that of ternary, and their dominant position has been maintained to this day.

From a historical perspective, ternary and lithium iron phosphate have taken turns to dominate.

So, how will the market performance of ternary and lithium iron phosphate evolve in the future? Industry insiders believe that with the development of high nickel ternary battery technology, especially the accelerated commercialization of solid-state batteries, ternary will launch a counterattack against lithium iron phosphate. However, from the perspective of global new energy market balance, ternary batteries and lithium iron phosphate batteries will be evenly matched in the future, so both ternary batteries and lithium iron phosphate batteries show good growth potential.


Advantages of Ternary Battery Latecomer

In the past few years, the reason why lithium iron phosphate has achieved a comeback against ternary is largely due to its cost advantage. However, in the long run, many industry insiders believe that through further improvement in energy density, high nickel ternary batteries are expected to approach or be lower in system level cost than lithium iron phosphate batteries.

According to research data from Huajing Industry, as the high nickel process matures in the future and technologies such as CTP begin to be commercialized, the cost reduction curve for high nickel ternary systems will become steeper. It is expected that the cost of high nickel ternary systems will be lower than that of 5/6 ternary systems from 2023 to 2024, and lower than that of lithium iron phosphate batteries from 2027 to 2028. Ultimately, the theoretical cost will be 10-15% lower than that of lithium iron phosphate batteries.

In fact, the development process of ternary batteries towards higher nickel is constantly accelerating. During a survey conducted by investment institutions, Zhenhua New Materials stated that the 6 series single crystal ternary has a higher energy density compared to the 5 series single crystal ternary. At the same time, compared to conventional high nickel, it performs better in terms of cycling and safety performance. Its cost-effectiveness has been recognized and promoted by automotive companies. Therefore, the market share of the medium nickel high voltage 6 series has increased rapidly.

"The 8-series high nickel ternary will also develop towards high voltage in the future, mainly used in semi-solid/condensed state batteries (high-end models that match high range requirements). Therefore, based on the current situation, it is expected that the market share of the 5-series ternary will gradually decrease in the future, and the market share of the 6-series and 8-series may further increase." Zhenhua New Materials predicts.

In the view of Rongbai Technology, as raw material costs return to a rational range and the raw material recycling cycle system becomes more mature, the three-way competitive advantage will become more obvious in the long run. The three-way positive electrode will still be the mainstream positive electrode material in the future, and it naturally has the advantage of high energy density and low quality. Greenway pointed out that high nickel ternary materials are the development direction of future ternary power batteries and have become the preferred power source for high-end passenger cars in the future.


Expanding High Nickel Space for Solid State Batteries

Solid state batteries have become a hot track for many new energy industry chain enterprises to compete for layout, which will further promote the increase of high nickel ternary market share. Dongfang Securities pointed out that the solid-state battery material system has been comprehensively optimized, and there are many potential opportunities in the industry chain. Electrolyte is a key innovation point for solid-state batteries; The iteration of positive and negative electrode materials towards high-performance direction will open up the application space of high nickel ternary, silicon-based negative electrodes, and even lithium metal negative electrodes.

Currently, enterprises that have released solid-state battery products mostly use high nickel ternary systems as cathode materials and achieve ultra-high energy density. For example, NIO's 150kWh semi-solid battery pack uses ultra-high nickel positive electrode material, with an energy density of 360Wh/kg; Zhiji Automobile's ultra fast charging solid-state battery uses ultra-high nickel material as the positive electrode, with an energy density of 368Wh/kg; The double semi-solid ultra long endurance cylindrical battery of Zhengli New Energy, Zhengli Qilong, uses ultra-high nickel cathode material, and the energy density of the battery cell reaches 306Wh/kg.

At present, many material companies have introduced high nickel products to solid-state battery customer enterprises. Dangsheng Technology stated that the main performance advantages of the company's solid-state lithium battery cathode materials are higher safety, better interface stability, and faster surface lithium ion diffusion rate. Ultra high nickel materials have been introduced in bulk to major solid-state battery customers.

Rongbai Technology also stated that the company has successfully developed multiple high nickel/ultra-high nickel ternary positive electrode materials suitable for semi/all solid state batteries. Among them, the battery products matched with the positive electrode materials of semi-solid state batteries have been applied to end customers with an ultra long range of 1000 kilometers. The ternary positive electrode materials of all solid state batteries have been fully recognized by leading customers in the industry.

"The 9 series high nickel products produced by the company have completed small-scale and pilot tests in leading solid-state battery companies, and have demonstrated good battery performance in combination with solid-state and semi-solid battery systems. The energy density of the battery pack is ≥ 400Wh/kg, and it is expected to have breakthrough application progress in mid-2025." Tianli Lithium Energy stated on the interactive platform.

From the perspective of technological progress, high nickel and low cobalt content in ternary materials is the trend. As the trend of high nickel content in ternary cathode materials continues to deepen, high nickel ternary cathode materials will dominate the market in the future. At that time, ternary batteries may launch a strategic counterattack against lithium iron phosphate by leveraging the dual advantages of high nickel in terms of energy density and cost.