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  时隔7个月,宁德时代(300750.SZ) 磷酸铁锂电池装车量又一次超过比亚迪(002594.SZ)。

  12月11日,中国汽车动力电池产业创新联盟公布最新数据显示,11月,宁德时代国内动力电池装车量19.7 GWh,市占率达43.91%,稳稳占据第一的宝座。

  同月,比亚迪动力电池装车量为10.2 GWh,市占率为22.73%,继上月再创年内新低。

  从技术路线来看,宁德时代11月三元电池的装车量为9.07 GWh,市场份额接近国内六成,磷酸铁锂电池的装车量10.63 GWh,市占率达36.52%。


时隔七个月宁德时代磷酸铁锂电池装车量再超比亚迪 | 动力电池月度排名㉟



  今年11月,国内动力电池装车量44.9 GWh。其中,磷酸铁锂电池装车量为29.1 GWh,占总装车量的64.9%;三元电池装车量达15.7 GWh,占总装车量的35%。

时隔七个月宁德时代磷酸铁锂电池装车量再超比亚迪 | 动力电池月度排名㉟

  中创新航(03931.HK)11月动力电池装车量3.24 GWh,排名第三。其市占率为7.21%,较前一月下滑了2.46%,同样创下了年内新低。

  国轩高科(002074.SZ)和亿纬锂能(300014.SZ)分别以2.11 GWh和2.05 GWh的装车量位列第四、五位,其中亿纬锂能的市占率为4.56%,国轩高科的市场份额达4.7%,为年内新高。


时隔七个月宁德时代磷酸铁锂电池装车量再超比亚迪 | 动力电池月度排名㉟

  11月,国内储能电池销量为16 GWh,环比增长15.1%,销量位列前三的企业依次为:宁德时代、比亚迪、亿纬锂能。

  从出口来看,国内动力和储能电池上月合计出口17.9 GWh,其中动力电池出口13 GWh,占比72.6%,储能电池出口4.9 GWh,占比27.4%,较上月提升6.3个百分点。


After 7 months, Ningde Times (300750. SZ) once again surpassed BYD (002594. SZ) in terms of the installed capacity of lithium iron phosphate batteries.
On December 11th, the China Automotive Power Battery Industry Innovation Alliance released the latest data showing that in November, Ningde Times had a domestic power battery installation volume of 19.7 GWh, with a market share of 43.91%, firmly occupying the first place.
In the same month, BYD's installed capacity of power batteries was 10.2 GWh, with a market share of 22.73%, setting a new low for the year after last month.
From a technical perspective, the installed capacity of ternary batteries in Ningde Times in November was 9.07 GWh, with a market share close to 60% in China. The installed capacity of lithium iron phosphate batteries was 10.63 GWh, with a market share of 36.52%.
BYD's power battery installation in November still comes entirely from lithium iron phosphate batteries, with a market share of 34.99% in this field, which was surpassed by CATL.
After seven months, the installation volume of Ningde Times lithium iron phosphate batteries has surpassed that of BYD | Monthly ranking of power batteries ㉟
Prior to this, BYD had been ranked first in the field for 7 consecutive months, so in the cumulative market share ranking of lithium iron phosphate batteries in the first 11 months, BYD still ranked first with an advantage of over 7 percentage points, with a market share of 41.11%.
Lithium iron phosphate and ternary batteries are the two mainstream routes for domestic power batteries. From 2018 to 2020, the installed capacity of lithium iron phosphate batteries in China was lower than that of ternary batteries. With the help of innovative technology, the advantages of lithium iron phosphate in terms of safety and cost have become increasingly prominent. In July 2021, the market share of lithium iron phosphate batteries surpassed that of ternary batteries and has since maintained a leading position.
In November this year, the domestic installed capacity of power batteries was 44.9 GWh. Among them, the installed capacity of lithium iron phosphate batteries is 29.1 GWh, accounting for 64.9% of the total installed capacity; The installed capacity of ternary batteries reached 15.7 GWh, accounting for 35% of the total installed capacity.
After seven months, the installation volume of Ningde Times lithium iron phosphate batteries has surpassed that of BYD | Monthly ranking of power batteries ㉟
China Innovation Airlines (03931. HK) had a power battery installation volume of 3.24 GWh in November, ranking third. Its market share was 7.21%, a decrease of 2.46% from the previous month, and also set a new low for the year.
Guoxuan High Tech (002074. SZ) and Yiwei Lithium Energy (300014. SZ) ranked fourth and fifth respectively with an installed capacity of 2.11 GWh and 2.05 GWh, with Yiwei Lithium Energy's market share of 4.56% and Guoxuan High Tech's market share of 4.7%, a new high for the year.
LG New Energy, Honeycomb Energy, Funeng Technology (688567. SH), Xinwangda (300207. SZ), and Ruipu Lanjun (00666. HK) rank sixth to tenth respectively, with the top nine companies having market share exceeding 2%.
After seven months, the installation volume of Ningde Times lithium iron phosphate batteries has surpassed that of BYD | Monthly ranking of power batteries ㉟

In November, the sales of domestic energy storage batteries reached 16 GWh, a month on month increase of 15.1%. The top three companies in terms of sales were Ningde Times, BYD, and Yiwei Lithium Energy.
From the perspective of exports, the total export of domestic power and energy storage batteries was 17.9 GWh last month, of which 13 GWh was exported for power batteries, accounting for 72.6%, and 4.9 GWh was exported for energy storage batteries, accounting for 27.4%, an increase of 6.3 percentage points compared to the previous month.
In terms of power and energy storage battery exports in November, CATL is leading other companies by an absolute advantage, ranking first, while BYD and Funeng Technology are ranked second and third respectively.