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JF-S7 EV sedan


车型名称 Model Name JF-S7 Luxury JF-S7 Exclusive
厂家型号 Manufacturer Model S50EVKL540FB25SH24C S50EVKL540FB25SZ24C
车身颜色 Body colour 星辰白,星耀黑,松石绿,烟雨蓝,玛瑙红,碧玉青
Star white,Astral black,Viridis,Misty blue,Agate red, Jade green
内饰颜色 Interior colour White, Black
续航 Driven mileage CLTC 540km 540km
电动机 MOTOR 驱动形式 Driven type 后置后驱
电动机类型 Type of motor 永磁同步电机
Permanent magnet synchronous motor
Permanent magnet synchronous motor
冷却型式 Cooling type 液冷 Liquid 液冷 Liquid
峰值功率(kW) peak power (kW) 160 160
额定功率(kW) power rating (kW) 56 56
电机最高转速(rpm) Maximum motor speed (rpm) 16000 16000
峰值扭矩(N.m) Peak Torque (N.m) 310 310
主减速比 Main deceleration ratio 12.293 12.293
制动能量回收系统 Brake energy recovery system
多级能量回收系统 Multistage energy recovery system
动力电池材料 Power battery materials 磷酸铁锂 LFP 磷酸铁锂 LFP
冷却型式 Cooling type 液冷 Liquid 液冷 Liquid
电池加热装置 Battery heating device
电池容量(kwh) Battery capacity (kwh) 56.8 56.8
车载充电器功率 Car-charger power 6.6KW 6.6KW
慢充充电接口(交流) Slow charging interface (AC)
快充充电接口(直流) Fast charging interface (DC) 国标
Chinese standard
Chinese standard
充电接口照明灯 Charging interface lighting lamp × ×
充电接口带锁 Charging interface with lock 国标
Chinese standard
Chinese standard
预约充电功能 Allocate the charging function
慢充充电时间(仪表电量从0%100%) Slow charging time (instrument power range from 0% to 100%) 6.6kW充电桩约9小时(常温RT)
6.6kW charging pile approx. 9 hours (room temperature)
6.6kW charging pile approx. 9 hours (room temperature)
快充充电时间(SOC 30%80%) Fast-charging time (SOC 30%~80%) 常温25℃:120kW充电桩28min
Room temperature 25
 : 120kW charging pile-28min
Room temperature 25
 : 120kW charging pile-28min
放电功能 Discharge function 3.3KW
变速器类型 Transmission type 单速固定速比
Single speed fixed speed ratio
Single speed fixed speed ratio
档位个数 Number of gear 怀挡 paddle shift P/R/N/D P/R/N/D
车身结构 bodywork 承载式车身,三厢车 frameless body saloon
车门数() Number of doors (one) 4
座位数() Number of seats (individual) 5
前悬挂类型 Front suspension type 麦弗逊式独立悬挂+横向稳定杆 McPherson type independent suspension + lateral stabilizer bar
后悬挂类型 Rear suspension type 多连杆式独立悬挂 Multi-link-type independent suspension
空气悬挂 air suspension × ×
可调悬挂 Adjustable suspension × ×
转向传动装置 steering transmission linkage 电动转向,运动模式转向变沉 Electric steering, motion mode steering changes to heavy
前轮制动器 Front wheel brake 通风盘式 Ventilation disc
后轮制动器 rear wheel brake 盘式 disk
驻车制动类型 Parking brake type EPB EPB
轮胎规格 tyre size 235/50R18(带 E-mark 235 / 50R18 (with E-mark) ×
235/45R19(带 E-mark 235 / 45R19 (with E-mark) ×
备胎 Spare tire × ×
快速补胎工具 Quick tire replacement tools
Safety Configuration
驾驶座安全气囊 The driver's seat airbag
副驾驶安全气囊 Passenger airbag
前排头部气帘 Front head curtain
后排头部气帘 The rear head air curtain
前排侧气囊 Front side air bag
后排侧气囊 The rear side air bag × ×
前排膝部气囊 Front knee airbags × ×
主驾安全带未系蜂鸣报警或指示灯 The main driving seat belt is not fitted with a beep alarm or indicator light
副驾安全带未系蜂鸣报警提示 The passenger seat belt is not wearing a buzzing alarm warning
后排安全带未系报警提示 The rear seat belt is not an alarm
前排安全带预收紧功能 Front seat belt advance tightening function ×
前排安全带限力功能 Front seat belt force limit function
后排安全带预收紧功能 Rear seat belt pre-tightening function × ×
后排安全带限力功能 Rear seat belt force limiting function × ×
前排安全带高位调节器 Front seat belt high seat regulator × ×
电子防盗 Electronic anti-theft
车内中控锁 Central control lock in the car
自动落锁 Automatic lock
碰撞后自动解锁 Unlock it automatically after the collision
儿童安全门锁 Child safety door lock
车门锁芯 Door lock core
制动力分配(EBD/CBD) Braking force Distribution (EBD / CBD)
制动优先 Brake first
制动辅助(HBA/EBA/BA) Brake Assist (HBA / EBA / BA, etc.)
牵引力控制(ASR/TCS/TRC) Traction control (ASR / TCS / TRC, etc.)
车身稳定控制(ESP/DSC/VSC) Body stability control (ESP / DS C/VSC, etc.)
上坡辅助 uphill assist
陡坡缓降 The steep slope slow down
自动驻车 Automatic parking
胎压监测装置 Tire pressure monitoring device 间接式(报警) pressure alarm × ×
直接式(显示) pressure display (欧标)
EU standard
EU standard
零胎压继续行驶 Zero tire pressure to driving × ×
可溃缩转向管柱 The steering string can collapse
ISO FIX儿童座椅固定装置 ISO FIX Child seat fixture 后排两个 Two rear rows
车内生命体征监测系统 In-car vital signs monitoring system × ×
高位刹车灯 High brake light LED(带 E-mark LED (with E-mark)
疲劳监测/提醒 Fatigue monitoring / reminders × ×
前泊车雷达 Front parking radar
倒车雷达 PDCParking Distance Control
倒车影像 Reverse image 标清 SD image × ×
高清 HD
360度全景环视系统 A 360-degree panorama looks around the system 高清,转向辅助影像 HD, steering to auxiliary images
Intelligent Driving Assistance
智能辅助驾驶 Intelligent assisted driving 高速公路NOA领航系统 Highway NOA pilot system × ×
自动泊车 Automatic parking × ×
循迹倒车 Following reverse × ×
遥控泊车 Remote parking × ×
驾驶员面部识别系统 Driver's facial recognition system × ×
智能远光灯控制IHC Adaptive far and near light lamp × ×
ACC自适应巡航 The ACC adaptive cruise ×
LKA车道保持功能 The LKA lane-keeping function × ×
AEB主动刹车 The AEB is active braking ×
TJA交通拥堵辅助功能 TJA traffic congestion assist function × ×
TSR交通标志识别 Traffic sign identification × ×
FCW前碰撞预警功能 The FCW front collision warning function ×
LDW车道偏离提醒 LDW lane departure reminder ×
BSD盲区监测 BSD blind zone monitoring ×
LCA变道辅助 The LCA lane change assist ×
RCW后碰撞预警功能 The RCW rear collision warning function ×
RCTA倒车侧向警告 RCTA reverse side warning ×
DOW开门预警功能 DOW open door warning function ×
MOD移动物体&行人探测预警系统 MOD Moving Object & pedestrian Detection Warning system × ×
Driving Configuration
方向盘材质 Steering wheel material 超纤皮
microfiber leather
多功能方向盘 Multi-functional steering wheel
方向盘音响控制 Steering wheel sound control
方向盘仪表控制 Steering wheel instrument control
方向盘语音控制 Steering wheel voice control × ×
方向盘ADAS功能控制 Steering wheel ADAS function control ×
方向盘上下调节 Steering wheel is adjusted up and down
方向盘前后调节 Steering wheel front and rear adjustment
方向盘电动调节 Steering wheel electric adjustment × ×
方向盘加热功能 Steering wheel heating function × ×
换挡手柄 Shift gear handle 怀挡 paddle shift
电子换挡 Electronic shift
定速巡航 Cruise at fixed speed × ×
驾驶模式 Driving mode 经济、标准、运动、运动+
Economy, standards, sports, sports +
Economy, standards, sports, sports +
Comfort Configuration
前空调 Front air conditioning 非热泵 Non-heat pump × ×
热泵技术 Heat pump technology
前空调控制 Front air conditioning control 电动调节 electrical control × ×
单区自动恒温 Single zone automatic constant temperature
前出风口 Front outlet
后空调 Rear air conditioning × ×
后排出风口 The rear air outlet
环保抑菌材料 Environmental antibacterial materials
全景天幕 Panoramic sky curtain
主动降噪 active noise reduction × ×
Convenience Configuration
机械钥匙 Mechanical key
遥控折叠钥匙 Remote control folding key × ×
智能钥匙 Smart key
蓝牙钥匙 Bluetooth key × ×
NFC钥匙 NFC key × ×
一键启动系统 One-click startup system × ×
无感启动 Non-inductive start
无钥匙进入系统 Keyless entry into the system 感应式 induction type
前窗雨刷 Front window wiper 有骨雨刷 There is a bone wiper × ×
无骨雨刷 Bone-free wiper
感应雨刷 Induction wiper ×
间歇式可调式雨刷拨杆 Intermittent adjustable type wiper dial lever ×
灵敏度可调式雨刮 Sensitivity adjustable type wiper ×
前挡风除霜/除雾 Front windshield defrost / defogging
后雨刷 After the wiper × ×
后窗加热线 Rear window heating line
后视镜电动调节 Mirror electric adjustment
后视镜加热 Rear view mirror heating
后视镜锁车自动折叠 The rearview mirror locks the car automatically
外后视镜记忆 External rearview mirror memory × ×
外后视镜倒车记忆辅助 External rearview mirror reversing memory assistance × ×
电子外后视镜 Electronic exterior rearview mirror × ×
内后视镜防眩目 Anti-glare Inner rearview mirror
前电动车窗 Front electric window
后电动车窗 The rear electric window
车窗防夹手功能 Window anti-clamp hand function 四门 Four doors
一键升窗/关窗 One-key window raising / window closing 四门 Four doors
遥控车窗启闭 Remote control window opening and closing
下雨自动关窗 It rains and automatically closes the window 车辆静止时 Vehicle Stationary ×
手机充电接口 Mobile phone charging interface 2USB 2 USB
12V电源接口 The 12V power supply interface 前排一个 A front row
220V电源接口 The 220V power supply interface × ×
手机无线充电 Mobile phone wireless charging 前排一个,50W front, 50W
车门内开把手 Open your hands inside the door
车载冰箱 car refrigerator × ×
无边框车门 Boundless door
电动吸合门 Electric suction door × ×
尾门 The tail door 掀背式 Hatchback type
电动尾门 Electric tail door
感应尾门 Induction tail door × ×
前大灯 head lighting LED
前后组合灯动态迎宾功能 Front and rear combination light with dynamic welcome function 呼吸效果 Breathing effect ×
动态灯语,三种动态效果 Dynamic light language, three dynamic effects ×
自动点亮 Automatic lighting
转向辅助灯 Steering auxiliary light × ×
流水转向灯灯 Water turn signal lamp 前转向灯+后转向灯 Front turn signal light + rear turn signal light ×
LED日间行车灯 LED daytime running lights  E-mark belt E-mark
前灯装饰灯 Headlight decorative lights 狮爪灯 Lion claw lamp ×
logo Front logo lights × ×
前大灯延时关闭 The headlights is turned off
大灯高度可调 Headlight height adjustable 电动调节 electrical control
前雾灯 Front fog lamp  E-mark belt E-mark × ×
后组合灯 Rear combination light 双倒车灯,带 E-mark,不带FORTHING LOGO Double reverse lights, with E-mark, and no FORTHING LOGO
外后视镜迎宾灯 External rearview mirror welcome light 照地迎宾灯 Welcome lights on the ground × ×
车内氛围灯 In-car atmosphere light 单色 black and white ×
室内灯延迟熄灭 The indoor light out late
前厢灯 Front car lights
中厢灯 Mid-box lamp × ×
侧厢灯 Side car lamp
手套箱灯 Glove box lamp × ×
车门门灯 Door door lights × ×
后备厢开启自动照明灯 Open the automatic lighting light in the trunk
尾门牌照灯 Tail door license plate lamp E-MARK标识 With the E-MARK identification form
隐藏式门把手 Hidden door handle
底盘下护板 Protection plate under the chassis 前部下护板 Front subordinates guard the board
机舱下部挡泥板 Lower cabin fender
机罩气撑杆 Machine hood gas support rod
铝合金轮毂 Aluminum alloy hub
/后轮挡泥罩 Front / rear wheel shield
/后轮挡泥板 Front / rear wheel fenders × ×
后尾翼 The rear tail wing 固定式小尾翼 Fixed small tail wing × ×
迎宾踏板 Welcome pedal × ×
后三角窗 The back triangle window 灰玻,带 E-mark Gray glass, with an E-mark ×
运动大包围 Sports surrounded by × ×
侧裙边 Side skirt
同色防擦条 The same color anti-wipe bar × ×
天线 antenna
Interior Configuration
内饰 trim 全包覆,软质为主 Full coating, mainly soft quality
内饰颜色 Interior color 浅色内饰 Light color interior
深色内饰 Dark interior
驾驶员座遮阳板 Driver's seat sun visor 无灯带化妆镜 No light with makeup mirror ×
带灯带化妆镜 Wear light and makeup mirror ×
副驾驶座遮阳板 Passenger seat visor 无灯带化妆镜 No light with makeup mirror ×
带灯带化妆镜 Wear light and makeup mirror ×
地毯 carpet 针刺地毯 Needle carpet
左脚休息踏板 Left foot rest pedal
USB外接音源接口 USB external audio source interface 集成在前排USB Integrated in the front-row USB port
收音功能 Sound listening function FM/AM FM/AM DAB RDS DAB RDS
音频播放 Audio play
视频播放 Video play
行车记录仪 tachograph × ×
WIFI功能 WIFI function
蓝牙系统 Bluetooth system
组合仪表 Combination instrument 全液晶组合仪表,≥8.8英寸 Full LCD combination instrument, 8.8 in (英西意德法俄阿波斯)
(English, Spanish, Italian, German, French, Russian, Arabic, Farsi)
(English, Spanish, Italian, German, French, Russian, Arabic, Farsi)
中控台显示屏 Center console display 14.6英寸 14.6 Inch (英西意德法俄阿波斯)
(English, Spanish, Italian, German, French, Russian, Arabic, Farsi)
(English, Spanish, Italian, German, French, Russian, Arabic, Farsi)
副驾显示屏 The passenger display × ×
扬声器数量 Number of speakers 4 Four × ×
6 Six ×
8 Eight ×
模拟声浪 Simulation of sound waves × ×
地图导航 Map navigation × ×
手机互联/投屏 Mobile phone interconnection / screen projection 手机无线投屏 Mobile phone wireless screen CARPLAY、安卓AUTO CARPLAY、安卓AUTO
座椅面料 Seat fabric 仿皮 imitation leather
主驾座椅 Driver seat 6向手动调节 6-way manual adjustment × ×
6向电动调节 6-way electric adjustment
电动座椅记忆(带迎宾滑动) Electric seat memory (with welcome sliding)
座椅通风 Seat ventilation
座椅加热 Seat heating
座椅按摩 Seat massage × ×
座椅靠背置物袋 Seat back placement bag
副驾座椅 Passenger seat 4向手动调节 4-way manual adjustment ×
4向电动调节 4-way electric adjustment ×
座椅通风 Seat ventilation × ×
座椅加热 Seat heating ×
座椅按摩 Seat massage × ×
座椅靠背置物袋 Seat back placement bag
后排座椅 Back seats 座椅通风 Seat ventilation × ×
座椅加热 Seat heating × ×
座椅按摩 Seat massage × ×
座椅靠背整体放倒 Seat back overall down
座椅靠背角度可调 Seat-back angle is adjustable × ×
座椅靠背电动调节 Seat-back electric adjustment × ×
座椅中央扶手 Central armrest of seat × ×
中央扶手带杯托 Central armrest with a cup holder × ×
扶手置物盒 Armrest box × ×

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